
The partners in the consortium are the lead partner Danish Technological Institute (Denmark) and Fraunhofer ICT-Group (Germany).

Danish Technological Institute and Fraunhofer ICT-Group represent a strong and dedicated consortium with expertise on technological trends and business development in the field of e-Skills. The consortium has a solid understanding of the trends and developments in green-IT, cyber-security, and cloud computing. The consortium also has many years of experience with carrying out large-scale European e-skills studies and providing concrete, robust, and forward-looking policy recommendations to the European Commission, national governments and stakeholders aimed at strengthening competitiveness and innovation of European enterprises, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Danish Technological Institute is an independent, not-for-profit institution approved by the Danish authorities to provide technological services to business and the community. Through analysis, studies and working with industry, SMEs, governments, and experts, the Institute promotes growth and innovation. The Institute contributes to evidence-based policy through analyses and evaluations within three broad themes:

  1. information society and technology policies;
  2. education, lifelong learning, and labour market policies; and
  3. innovation systems and competitiveness.

Danish Technological Institute was founded in 1906 and is one of the oldest of its kind in the world. The Institute has some 1,000 employees, making it one of the world's largest private institutes to supply approved technological services such as consultancy, certification, and training for companies and public-sector organisations.

Fraunhofer ICT-Grouphas in-depth knowledge of technological trends, business development and skills needs in the three selected domains, i.e. green-IT, cyber-security and cloud computing. The Fraunhofer ICT-Group also has an extensive global network of experts in the relevant ICT-domains. This network allows Fraunhofer ICT Group to identify, contact and carry out interviews with international experts. The experts will contribute to the study with their expertise in the three ICT domains as well as help identify relevant education and training programmes and initiatives in Europe and other world regions that may represent best practice in meeting emerging e-skills requirements.